
Mukimo with Beef Stew

Mukimo (Moh-Kee-Moh) which is also known as irio is a famous Kenyan dish originating from the Kikuyu tribe. Mukimo means mashed and the dish is basically the African answer to mashed potatoes. It can be found across the entire country, although in different variations and combinations. The traditional Mukimo is made out of boiled beans, maize and potatoes and can easily take a few hours to prepare (but it is worth it!).

Mukimo with Beef Stew

Mukimo with Beef Stew Mukimo (Moh-Kee-Moh) which is also known as irio is a famous Kenyan dish originating from the Kikuyu tribe. Mukimo means mashed and the dish is basically the African answer to mashed potatoes. It can be found across the entire country, although in different variations and combinations. The traditional Mukimo is made out of boiled beans, maize and potatoes and can easily take a few hours to prepare (but it is worth it!).   Print This
Serves: 4 Prep Time:
Nutrition facts: calories fat
Rating: 1.3/5
( 4 voted )


  • • Mukimo
  • Large Potatoes (2 kg)
  • Green Peas (1 kg)
  • Corn
  • Butter (optional)
  • • Beef Stew
  • 1 kg Beef
  • 2 large Onions
  • Crushed Garlic
  • Crushed Ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of tomato paste
  • Bell pepper (green, yellow and red) cut in stripes
  • Salt to taste
  • Desired Spices
  • Dark Soy Sauce


• Mukimo
Peel the potatoes and wash them clean
Put the potatoes, peas and corn in a big pot and add enough water to cover the content.
Cover the pot with a lid and boil it for 30-40 minutes
Once ready, drain the excess water
Add salt to taste and butter
Mash it until the potatoes are fully mashed and keep checking if there is enough salt
Chop the onions
In a separate pan heat oil and caramelize the onions
Add the caramelized onions to the potatoes and mix everything with the wooden spoon until well combined.

• Beef Stew
Cook the beef in a pot at low heat until all water dries up
Add onions, crushed garlic and ginger, let it cook in medium fire
Add tomato paste, salt, dark soy sauce and the desired spices
Let it cook for 10 minutes
Add the bell peppers and stir it
Cover the pot and let it cook for 10 minutes
Serve hot with Mokimo


Soy sauce and spices tend to have salt in them, so be careful not to oversalt it.



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